PARM Scientific Conferences
What’s Up?
PARM GOLD Illuminations & Innovations:
Techniques & Technology in Physiatry
Melecio M. Pena III, MD, FPARM

As the brain synapses illuminate, innovations in techniques and technology in physiatry take centerstage in the 34th Golden Annual Scientific Conference of the Philippine Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine (PARM). Themed, PARM GOLD ILLUMINATIONS & INNOVATIONS: TECHNIQUES & TECHNOLOGY IN PHYSIATRY, the scientific conference was held last February 22 to 25, 2024. All roads led to Novotel Manila, Araneta City, Quezon City to commemorate the 50th founding anniversary of the academy. In the city of firsts, championing the “brain with microchips” the organizing committee designed a scientific program which aimed to honor the past, champion the present and emerging clinical practice in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM), and nurture the future of our academy. Plenary scientific lectures featured current state-of-the-art trends, and cutting-edge innovations in our practice.
Topnotch international speakers across the continents, and national speakers across the archipelago converged in this elite, global, and blockbuster program, showcasing their expertise. The stellar faculty with blockbuster topics were Dr. Richard Aguilera (Cleveland Clinic, USA) of the American Academy of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Prof. Carlo Martinoli (University of Genoa, Italy), Prof. Seong-Woong Kang (Gangnam Severance Hospital, Korea), Prof. Jang Woo Lee (National Health Insurance Service Ilsan Hospital, Korea), Prof. Miri Suh (CHA Bundang Medical Center, Korea), and Dr. Fary Khan (Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia), and Dr. Steven Faux (St. Vincent’s Hospital, Australia) of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM). Prof. Kang and physiatrists from the Asia-Oceanian Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (AOSPRM) conducted a seminar-workshop, entitled International Forum on Pulmonary Rehabilitation. This included an intensive course facilitated by the Korean faculty, and a panel discussion with Dr. Punpetch Siriratna (Thailand), Dr. Mohaneshwary Sandrajagran (Malaysia), and Dr. Maria Luisa Palabrica (Philippines), as parts of the highlights of the conference.
Left most image: L to R: Melecio Pena III, MD, Steven Faux, MD, Reynaldo Rey-Matias, MD. Top middle: Fary Khan, MD during Meet the Masters. Right most: PARM physiatrists in attendance. Bottom middle: Prof. Seong-Woong Kang presenting his lecture.
Championing our homegrown Filipino Physiatrists as conference faculty were exemplary PARM Fellows across all generations, namely our founding President Dr. Tyrone Reyes; former President Dr. Renald Peter Ramiro; and other distinguished physiatrists, Dr. Jeimylo De Castro, Dr. Ma. Arlene Lee-Ledesma, Dr. Jerico Dela Cruz, and Dr. Paschenelle Celis. Completing the roster of esteemed speakers were Dr. Jennifer Yang, a physiatrist, and Dr. Jemellee Cano, a neurologist. Moreover, a research forum and post-conference skills laboratories on electrodiagnosis and musculoskeletal ultrasound diagnostics and interventions were also featured. The scientific conference was granted 12 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) units by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).
The blockbuster topics were included in various tracks, namely Neurologic Track (Expert Techniques: An Electromyographer’s Guide; and Rehabilitation Robotics: Development Models & Applications for Neurorecovery); Interventional Track (Silent Echoes in Ballet: Ultrasound Diagnostics Unveiled; Parameters in Ultrasound as Determinants for Return to Play in Sports; and Sonology in Sports Medicine); Illuminations Track (The Autism & ADHD Spectrum; Cognitive Rehabilitation in Dementia; and Rehabilitation Perspective on Global Inequity in Health; Medical Track (Panel Discussion: A strategic approach to establish a pulmonary rehabilitation system; Pulmonary Function Test; Pulmonary Rehabilitation for COPD & Geriatrics; Pulmonary Rehabilitation for Restrictive Thoracic Disease; Secretion Management; Pulmonary Case Review; and Video Demonstration on Various Kinds of Devices and Techniques; Innovations Track (Virtual Reality in Physiatry; and Artificial Intelligence & the Future of Physiatry); and Musculoskeletal Track (Dance Rehabilitation: The Science in the Art; and Physiatry & the Performing Arts).
Celebrating 50 years of PARM, the culmination of the PARM GOLD Scientific Conference was RESPLENDENT: The Presidential Gala. This brilliant spectacle featured PARM Honors, PARM Exemplars Awards, and PARM Closing Ceremonies. Dr. Marvin Zamora, a PARM Fellow entertained the attendees playing the saxophone as a musical prelude. Past PARM Presidents were honored as they participated in the presidential processional, and some danced the waltz to the melody of “Rewrite the Stars”. The “Story of PARM: The Past, The Present, and The Future” was showcased in a live presentation video, and a live serenade of a balladeer. The PARM awardees were given their accolades for Most Outstanding Project, Most Outstanding Physiatrist, Exemplary Service, and Distinguished Loyalty and Service. In the Closing Ceremonies, Dr. Melecio Pena III (Ex-Officio) delivered his year-end accomplishment report, and took his final bow after the PARM journey, from silver to gold. Dr. Jerico Dela Cruz was then inaugurated as the 40th PARM President, capped with the revelry of PARM Rocks 2.
Fifty years strong, PARM showed the world that we are the Philippine Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine, and we are Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine! #wearePARM #wearePaRM